Speak Even When Your Voice Shakes
Sheila Vijeyarasa
High-Performance Coach
I was once given an invaluable piece of advice that has stuck with me ever since: 'speak even when your voice shakes.' This guidance became pivotal in my journey to becoming a CFO, as I realised the importance of speaking up early on in my career and embracing the power of my unique voice, message, and opinions. It was about trusting my skills and recognising that I could contribute meaningfully in any setting.
Often, we hold back, afraid to use our voices, falling into patterns of people pleasing. However, I chose to speak up, I chose to be brave, even when it was daunting. At 29, a decade before becoming CFO, I started to seize every opportunity to contribute, never waiting for an invitation. I assessed how I could add value to conversations and trusted that my voice mattered.
‘Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress’, is a reminder that all voices must be heard at the table. We must count ourselves in; no one else can do that for us. Each of us has something unique to offer, and by not sharing it, we do ourselves and others a disservice. By stepping up, we become visible, and our voices create ripples of change. It’s time to be bold, be brave, be courageously you! 
These days my voice does not shake. It now has a resonance, authority, and command after years of practice. This is the journey of being seen and heard within our careers. It does not happen overnight. With sustained commitment and practice, it is inevitable that not only will we make progress, at some point this progress accelerates and has a momentum of its own. 
You can work with Sheila at: www.sheilav.co
You can follow Sheila at: https://www.instagram.com/sheila_v__/
You can follow Sheila at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheila-vijeyarasa-8481563/